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Pinewood Derby


Derby Rules


Mandatory Pinewood Derby Car Inspection Day
Cars must be completed and ready for inspection at our official weigh in before the event. After inspection, your cars will be turned-in to the PWD Committee Members for transport to the event.


PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept cars with wet or sticky paint, or uncured glue/epoxy! Please give yourself enough time for painting. If you're up against the clock, consider using sharpies to color your car.


Speed Division

  • Each car is eligible to race in the speed division - even creatively designed cars - provided they meet the specs for size

  • Fastest cars in each rank will race for Pack winners

  • Top 6 fastest cars in the Pack are eligible for the District race


Family Division

  • Same rules as the Speed Division

  • Separate division for parents and siblings to build & race a Pinewood Derby car

  • Family Division winners do not advance to District race 


Design Awards

  • Awards for Most Creative, Most Realistic, and Best Paint Job

  • Each Scout votes for their favorites, winners decided by popular vote

  • Cars built for primary competition in the Design categories do not have to race. (If they do not meet size specs they will not be allowed to race)

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